تعتبر الجرافة ضرورية لمجموعة متنوعة من الوظائف ويمكن العثور عليها في كثير من الأحيان في مواقع البناء ، ومعسكرات الميليشيات ، وأماكن المشروع ، ومناجم المزارع والمحاجر. لن تدوم أي أعمال بناء بدون الجرافات ، لذا فإن امتلاكها أمر لا بد منه.
يواجه معظم مشغلي أعمال البناء معضلة كبيرة ، عندما يواجهون احتمال شراء جرارات لأعمالهم. ، الاقتراحات التالية قد تساعدك على التخلص من هذا الشبق.
ضع في اعتبارك الأسئلة التالية عند الاختيار بين الجرافة المستخدمة أو الجرار الجديد؟
1. ما هي ميزانيتك؟
Moeny is always an important factor when buying products.If you have a lot of it and you don't mind shelling out,a new dozer if should not be a porblem for you.New dozer come with price tags that may shock a more financially conservative entrepreneur.If you're looking for a more affordable bulldozer,used dozers for you.Used can be yours at the fraction of the price of brand-new bulldozers.
Aside from the buying the price,though,you would have to incorporate maintenance costs to you overall budget.With new dozers,you would not have to worry about paying for after-sales operational costs,since you would be covered a warranty program.
Buying used dozers don't necessarily mean,though,that you would have to star adding up future costs for malfunctioning spare parts and other maintenance costs,after you purchase your second hand bulldozer.Most providers of second hand equipment typically run extensive examinations before they agree to accept used dozers from sellers.So,many second hand bulldozers you would find for sale today are in great working conditions.
2.What type of quality are you willing to settle for?
New bulldozers,seeing they has not been used before,typically tend to be deemed as the better choice if this particular criisterion is used.But,on this issue,new dozers don't automatically have the upper hand.Yes,whilst it may be ture that new bulldozers can be expected to function better and longer-used dozers are not the almost-broken machines some people may think them to be.
Used dozers have as much funcitionality and effectiveness as brand-new dozers,especially when you choose the right one.Plus,used dozers come with certificates of thorough examinationto to ensure that they would be able to do all that they are supposed to,in an excellent way.
New bulldozer and used bulldozers both have their strengths and weaknesses.If you're confused as to which you should choose among the two,considering the above questions may get you the answer that you nees.Remember,new dozers and used dozers can both work for you.
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