الحفارات الهيدروليكية - الميزات وكيف تعمل Jan 13, 2023

Hydraulic Excavators are the most usually used heavy equipment for digging the soil and rocks. Hydraulic excavators are also described as diggers and they are utilized for variety of functions. These versatile excavators were particularly useful for working areas which are less accessible to the conventional equipments.

Because these machines are possessing lot of removable attachments, they can able to be utilized for cutting steels, drilling holes, concrete breaking and a lot more. These hydraulic excavators possess a working weight of 20,000 pounds or higher.

The hydraulic excavators are able to offer more versatility, buckets with these machines are removable and it can be replaced by the scissors, drills and even the crushing attachments. With this level of flexibility, it makes the hydraulic excavators helpful and useful at any large ranges of applications.

For those who have seen this machine in action, they would usually notice that the arm looks like a human arm that is in action. The arm comprises with the two cylinders, the boom portion that is on the upper portion of the arm and the bucket that can be match up to the cupped hand. The arm is moving two parts like a human arm should like to the wrist and elbow portion of the human arm.

Upper part of the hydraulic excavator is vital. It is considered to be the heart of the machine because it embraces the engine, swing motors, hydraulic pump and the hydraulic pump. These devices are the once that are responsible for letting the excavator load and dig.

The power in an ordinary vehicle is usually expected straight from engines, but it is different in the hydraulic excavator. Since this machine is using a lot forceful moves, it is capable of moving by altering the energy that it receives from engine to the hydraulic power. One of the other main features of this machine is the ability of turning. The swing of this machine is letting the excavator to turn.

الجزء السفلي من الحفار مهم أيضًا. يحتوي على الآليات التي تسمح للآلة بالتحرك على طول الطرق وإلى مواقع البناء. يوجد نوعان من قواعد الحفارات هذه ، الأول هو نوع العجلة وطبيعة هذا النوع تستخدم على الأسطح الصلبة مثل الطرق الخرسانية والحصوية. النوع الثاني هو نوع الزاحف لأنه قادر على القيادة على الأسطح غير المستقرة تمامًا مثل الرمل والطين. يحتاج هذا النوع من الماكينات إلى النقل بواسطة السيارة الأخرى للوصول إلى نقطة أو أخرى.

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اشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية

اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية لآلات البناء

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